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There’s a Chassidic guy
With a patch on his eye
And a wad of gum to chew
You’ll forget your troubles
When you see kosher bubbles
They call him Bazooka Jew.
Oh, he’s used to stares
When he’s saying his prayers
’N’ blowin’ bubbles, too -
Working his jaw
Like a mother-in-law,
My buddy, Bazooka Jew.
The rabbi said “It’s pretty weird -
But the gum doesn’t stick to his beard!”
He might be in Dallas
A-schleppin’ his tallis,
Or Fort Worth - or Timbuktu.
And now and again,
When I hear “Pop - amen!”
I know it’s Bazooka Jew.
[Inspired by Velociman’s recent Bazooka Joe post, this poem would also make a dandy song if set to music. Anyone? Anyone? Rahel?]
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