Sunday, December 26, 2004


The Carnival’s holiday edition is being hosted - where else? - at This Blog Is Full Of Crap, the creation of twisted genius Laurence Simon and home base for the Carnival. This week, I don’t have any pictures in the Carnival (still at the in-laws and using a strange computer with a dial-up connection), but I’ve linked to a piece in the BdE Archives that fits nicely with the kitty theme.

Be sure to vote for the kitty of your choice for Margin Mascot. Lair has posted plenty of great choices for Kitty o’ the Month. I don’t have an axe to grind this time because, being away from home, I have been unable to submit any pictures of Hakuna and Matata for consideration... but you can be sure the Fuzzy Ones will be in contention next month.

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