Friday, August 05, 2005


Now that I’ve returned from my two-day Bidnis Trip, it’s time to catch up with all of the Carnivelous Activity that has been fermenting and brewing in my absence.

First up, we have this week’s Carnival of Comedy at Right Wing Duck. Now, a Right Wing Duck would tend to fly in a counterclockwise circular path, making him vulnerable to the occasional blast o’ birdshot, but somehow this guy has avoided ending up on some Moonbat Liberal’s Dinner Plate.

Next, we have the Friday Ark, hosted as usual by Steve, that most modulated Modulator.

Finally, there’s the 51st Carnival of the Recipes, hosted by sarahk (soon to be sarahj) at Mountaineer Musings. I discovered sarahk’s place back in March, when I found a picture of our own Miss Matata that had been cleverly photoshopped. Wait - was that sarahk’s evil twin?

Don’t forget to visit Laurence Simon this weekend, who will be hosting this week’s Carnival of the Cats Sunday at the notorious This Blog Is Full Of Crap. Lair will also be blogging nonstop from Saturday morning until Sunday morning as part of Blogathon 2005, so be sure to stop by and say hello.

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