Thursday, December 24, 2009


Kevin Kim posed a question in a recent comment:

“Getting used to your new comment setup here. Got sick of Haloscan?”

No, Kevin. I did not get sick of Haloscan, alas.

I installed Haloscan commenting on this site some five years ago. I did it mainly because Blogger did not provide trackback at the time; Haloscan offered trackback along with a robust, relatively spam-free commenting system.

With Haloscan, I was able to monitor all incoming comments from a single screen, with each comment associated with the post on which it was left. It was convenient; it was easy. And did I mention (relatively) spam-free?

Alas, Haloscan has morphed into Echo, which, while offering a few new gewgaws and gimcracks, has taken away all the functionality I enjoyed with Haloscan. My choice was “Convert... or lose all your old comments.”

I converted. And I am mighty displeased with the results, to the point where I may very well bail on this new Echo system. That is, unless they see fit to restore some or all of the old Haloscan funtionality. Hell, even Blogger comments are better than this crap.

Any other (former) Haloscan users care to weigh in?

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