Monday, September 21, 2009


Elder Daughter is quite the jet-setter these days. She just got back from a trip to Lagos, Nigeria (with a nice stopover in Paris on the way home), and she’s getting ready to head out to Johannesburg, South Africa in a few days. At the rate she’s going, she’ll make the Million-Mile Club well before I did. She has already had to have new pages added to her passport, something I had to do once as well.

Her continent-hopping doesn’t impress me nearly as much as the kind of work she does.

Her employer, the Discovery Channel Global Education Partnership (DCGEP), is up for a U.S. Chamber of Commerce Business Civic Leadership Center (BCLC) Partnership Award... with the recipients to be determined by popular vote.

There are five pairs of award nominees, but the team of interest - to me, anyway - consists of DCGEP and Chevron. DCGEP is a not-for-profit arm of the Discovery Channel, the main business of which is putting up education facilities in various third-world countries and supplying content for same. In their words, it is “a charitable organization dedicated to using the power of television to improve lives in underserved areas of the world.” Chevron (yes, that Chevron) supplies the funding; DCGEP does everything else.

You can learn more about DCGEP here. That “Stories from Uganda” video? Elder Daughter was there when it was shot.

To vote for the Chevron-DCGEP partnership, go here and follow the instructions to sign up and vote. Sure, it’s a modest pain in the ass... but you’ll be sending good vibes and recognition to people who really are working to educate people... a real tikkun olam (repairing the world) concept if ever I have heard of one.

That’s what my Elder Daughter does for a living: repairing the world. Am I a proud daddy? You betcha.

Now go vote. It won’t cost you anything but time... and not a whole lot of that.

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