Sunday, August 09, 2009


Sockeye Gravlax Slab

...and it could very well be this slab of homemade gravlax.

This time, I got my hands on some wild sockeye. The deep red color is most pleasing to the eye; and the fish, lovingly cured for three days in a blend of sugar, salt, caraway, fennel, pepper, dill weed, and akvavit, is most pleasing to the palate.

Sockeye Gravlax

Make your own - instructions here - and you’ll have a taste treat that would make Sven Schmutschkelekker proud. Enjoy it on a bagel with cream cheese - or on Swedish crispbread - or on Westphalian pumpernickel with a few slices of Brie. And if you really want to do it up right, have an ice-cold shot of akvavit handy.

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