Sunday, August 23, 2009


Mexico City Poster Wall

This image of a poster-encrusted wall in Mexico City dates from December, 1977.

She Who Must be Obeyed and I, at the invitation of her parents, accompanied them on a trip to Mexico City - a trip that was, ostensibly, to celebrate their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary.

Alas, SWMBO did not see much of the city. On the second day of the trip, after having successfully climbed to the top of the Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacán and back down, she twisted her ankle on the flat ground of the parking lot. Unable to walk without suffering the Agonies of the Gosh-Darned, she confined herself to our hotel room for much of the rest of the week.

Billie Bob, the Daddy d’SWMBO, managed to consume carne asada (grilled marinated skirt steak) at almost every restaurant we visited.

As for me, I gave the plumbing of Mexico City’s Zona Rosa its toughest trial to date. Not something I should be proud of, but, perversely, I am.

After that late-1977 voyage, I made many subsequent trips to the ol’ Distrito Federal... but always for business purposes and without the company of my beloved. None of those trips were quite as much fun.

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