Thursday, June 11, 2009


You may recall Thunder and Lightning, the two dramatically-named Tiny Kitties our friends David and Laurie rescued from a dumpster a few weeks ago.

David sent me a couple of pictures of the kittens with Patches, their Bandana-Wearin’ Dawg, who has taken to the Mr. Mommy job with a vengeance. And they’re so stomach-turningly cute, I just hadda post ’em.

Patches and Lightning
Patches and Lightning. “Should I play with her, or just eat her?”

Patches and Thunder
Patches and Thunder. “Yow! Leggo my dose!”

Gotta love them kitties!

Update: Friday Ark #247 is afloat at the Modulator (where else?)

And if that ain’t enough Cat-Stuff for you, visit Carnival of the Cats, the 274th edition of which will be hosted this Sunday evening at Nikita’s Place. It’s Cat-Astrophic!

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