Sunday, April 26, 2009


If you enjoy fine photography, you can’t go wrong by visiting Sam Javanrouh’s excellent site, [daily dose of imagery].

I liked this post with its embedded panorama, embedded below for your viewing pleasure. Click and drag on the image to get the full panoramic effect.

Luminato Light Balls - Toronto in Canada

For a couple of my earlier posts that reference Sam’s excellent work, go here and here. Remarkable stuff.

When you get tired of photographs and just want teh funny, go visit The Bloggess. She’s based in Houston - alas, I’ve never managed to meet her - and she is Certifiably Insane. Pants-pissingly funny. Which is several orders of magnitude funnier than spit-coffee-all-over-your-monitor funny.

I’m almost afraid to introduce the Mistress of Sarcasm to The Bloggess. She’s liable to laugh hard enough to make blood squirt out of her eyeballs. Come to think of it, you might, too.

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