Thursday, April 16, 2009


It being the last evening of eating pesahdik foods - that’s stuff that conforms with the extra-strict dietary restrictions of Passover, for all y’all Gentiles out there - I decided to try something new and different for dinner last night: a Spinach Pie.

Spinach pie? No: a Popeye Pie. A Pesahdik Popeye Pie!

Popeye Pie
Pesahdik Popeye Pie.

Spinach, eggs, onions, and matzoh meal have been a favorite combination of ingredients for me ever since my grandmother - the Momma d’Eli of blessèd memory - used to fry up spinach latkes at every opportunity. This recipe uses the same basic ingredients, but results in a pie. Just as the name suggests.

It’s easy enough. Preheat the oven to 350°F. Grease a 2-qt capacity pie pan with olive oil, then line the bottom with two sheets of matzoh, broken into small pieces. Now get two pounds of spinach, remove the stems, and chop it up. (I used frozen chopped spinach, which I thawed out and then drained thoroughly.)

Chop up a handful of scallions and throw ’em in a large skillet with about 5 tbsp olive oil over medium-high heat; cook until the scallions soften. Add the spinach, mix well and cook for a few minutes - if using fresh spinach, cook it down until thoroughly wilted. Add one cup matzoh meal and mix well. Throw in a handful of chopped fresh dill weed, then add salt and pepper to taste. Remove from the heat and set aside.

Beat eight large eggs in an electric mixer with four tbsp lemon juice for about five minutes, until frothy. Add the spinach mixture, blend well, and turn out into the prepared pie pan. Bake for 35-45 minutes, or until slightly browned on top. Slice it up and serve it forth. It’s delicious... and it meets the exacting requirements of the Popeyer Rebbe. Enjoy!

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