Tuesday, February 10, 2009


In this time of economic uncertainty and turmoil, it’s nice to know that, once in a while, a bargain just might fall into your lap.

Witness this story recounted to us this evening by our friend Barry. A former resident of Memphis, Tennessee, Barry remembered a time when his dad used to run a scrap metal business hard by the Memphis airport.

As a scrap metal dealer, Barry’s father would buy old junker cars for their scrap metal value... pennies a pound. They wouldn’t run, but who cared? These rusted-out or smashed hulks were in line to be crushed and melted.

One day, a fellow walks into the office with a question: “You buy cars?”

Barry’s dad answers, “You got a title?”

He then proceeded to explain that he would make an offer for the car based on the going rate for scrap metal... well below what an operable car would fetch. But this guy didn’t care. He just wanted to get rid of his car, and he had the title that proved it was his to dispose of.

“Tell you what,” he said. “If you give me a lift to the airport, I’ll sell you the car for scrap.”

And that’s how Barry came by his first car... a Ford that cost all of $14. And it ran!

Sure, this was sometime around 1963, and scrap metal is worth more now - but a bargain is where you find it, am I right?

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