Thursday, January 29, 2009


Hakuna 012909
“Get that camera outta my face, Bub.”

Hakuna enjoys a moment of afternoon solitude in her Kitty-Bed.

She looks pretty sedentary, curled up in that cushy little bed, but don’t let that fool you. When the Red Dot attracts her attention, she’s booming and zooming like a fighter pilot.

Update: Friday Ark #228 is afloat over at the Modulator.

This Sunday, Carnival of the Cats comes to roost (now, there’s a mixed metaphor for you!) at one of the venerable spots in the Kitty-Blogosphere: Mind of Mog. It promises to be a great Carnival, so be sure to stop by!

Update 2: This week’s Haveil Havalim (“Vanity of Vanities”) is up at Ima On (and off) the Bima. It’s the 203rd installment of this Jewish-themed Blog Carnival.

Update 3: Carnival of the Cats #255 is up, with Hakuna in pole position.

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