Tuesday, January 13, 2009


...in order to attend a wedding.

A few days ago I promised y’all a Monkey-Suit Photo. Here ’tis:

Formal Elisson 011109

The wedding - the daughter of our friends Ron and Wendy, who also happens to be the niece of our friend Gary, who is Ron’s brother (got that?) - was wonderful. The ceremony was conducted at our shul, with our own Rabbi Lewis sharing the officiating duties with Rabbi Norry of Shearith Israel.

As for the rest of it, was it a Class Affair? Yes, it was. The rehearsal dinner alone could’ve passed for a wedding reception in 47 states... but the actual reception was a stunner, with over 300 people in attendance.

And as if the many, many Martinis were not enough, the reception featured a vodka bar, from which one could select shots in all sorts of flavors. No chocolate or triple espresso, alas... but I had no trouble finding a few flavors I liked (hic).

The wedding is not nearly as important as the marriage that follows it, but if the High Tone of this wedding is any indicator, the happy couple should be happy indeed.

Update: A nice pic of the Missus with our friend JoAnn.

SWMBO and JoAnn 011109

I’m tellin’ ya, them ladies is HAWT!

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