Friday, November 21, 2008


Aunt Marge and SWMBO.

If you like Livin’ Large,
Then hang out with Aunt Marge.

Hendrick’s, the Gin of Champions.

Enjoying Hendrick’s Gin...
Can you still walk? You win!

We always look forward to the times when my Uncle Phil and Aunt Marge will swoop in for a visit. They may be a generation removed from us in chronological age, but you would never know it from their lifestyle.

The last time they were here was right after the High Holidays...but any holidays with Phil and Marge are high holidays...because their presence will give you a contact high. And this latest visit was no exception.

I had my very first Martini in Miami with Uncle Phil. It’s entirely possible (and beautifully ironic) that Marge may have had her very last Martini with me on this visit...because I have a feeling she will go out of her way to avoid Martinis in the future. More than that, I am not at liberty to say.

Thirty years down the road (assuming we’re still walking the planet), I hope we’re half as much fun as Phil and Marge are right now.

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