Friday, July 25, 2008


I am thoroughly disgusted with myself for having missed the Bicentennial Edition of the Friday Ark last week, but it could not be helped. The deadly combination of being away from home and having a Misbehaving Camera conspired to keep me from putting up my usual Kitty Pic.

Accordingly, this week I’m making up for lost time with not one, but two posts.

So: Cruise on over to the Modulator and check out Friday Ark #201. It’s Better than Bicentennerific™!

And don’t forget that on Sunday evening, just as you are getting depressed over the onset of Yet Another Boring Workweek, along comes the Carnival of the Cats to cheer you up. The 228th edition will be hosted by

Update: CotC #228 is up. And while I think to mention it, Haveil Havalim (Carnival of the Vanities, Jewish-style) #175 is up over at Frume Sarah’s World. Go getcha a nice big taste of Yiddishkeit.

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