Thursday, June 12, 2008


What’s going on at Chez Elisson today?

It’s a little quieter, now that Aunt Marge and Uncle Phil have returned to South Florida after a week-long visit. Phil is thirty years my senior, but you’d never know it. He and Marge are active, outgoing peeps, the kind you never get tired of spending time with.

Tuesday afternoon we wandered about the High Museum of Art, checking out a remarkable exhibition - Road to Freedom: Photographs of the Civil Rights Movement. Many of the images in the exhibition are familiar, almost iconic, while many others have never before been shown. They are sobering, taken both as a whole body and individually, reminding you of just how shabbily people are capable of treating other human beings. Hosing down peaceful demonstrators, setting dogs on them, burning buses, murdering people, and gathering in mobs to shout at’s an unfortunate part of this country’s history that needs to be remembered and taught. Those of us who lost relatives in the Holocaust can appreciate the consequences of a social policy that designates certain people as being less than fully human.

We’ve still got a ways to go, as regards the treatment of minorities...but as a nation, and as a region, we’re light-years ahead of where we were fifty years ago.

But back to Current Events.

She Who Must Be Obeyed is knocking around town with the Mistress of Sarcasm, who is here with us recuperating from a back injury she suffered at Tybee Island last week. (Memo to self: When jumping from a 20-foot-high dock into deep water, be sure to avoid landing on the back or stomach. Yeowch!) The Mistress will be joining us on our upcoming vacation trip to Destin, the annual week of Sun ’n’ Fun in the steaming sands of the Florida Panhandle. We head out first thing Saturday morning.

Meanwhile, Elder Daughter is enroute from Los Angeles to Detroit, from where she will fly to Amsterdam and then onward to Kampala, Uganda, where she will spend two weeks on a film shoot. Perhaps she will run into some of the exotic Local Fauna. Oh, wait: Zimbabwe and Uganda aren’t exactly close to one another...

And it’s a Special Day for SWMBO and me: today is our thirty-first wedding anniversary.

It’s a strange thing. We’ve been together for a long time, but somehow, the Missus finds a way to make every day seem new. Maybe it’s a new haircut, or some whacked-out private joke between the two of us, or...I don’t know what. But I’m looking forward to the next thirty-one with as much enthusiasm (if maybe not as much Raw Energy) as I did the first.

I loves me my SWMBO!

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