Monday, January 07, 2008


Those of you who were fortunate enough to have missed my Radio Sandy Springs guest hosting gig last week have not dodged the bullet entirely...because the show is now available as an archive .mp3 file.

Click here to listen to the streaming audio...or right-click and save the .mp3 file to your hard drive. Fast-forward a few minutes, past the jazzy music and the political screed.

It’s an hour of Random Bullshit, ranging from the origins of Mister Beezer, to our ridiculously excessive Jack Aubrey Dinner, to my stupid-ass 100-word stories. The production is not as polished as some of my other shows - for one thing, my snazzy musical bumpers are missing - but you may find it modestly entertaining. And if you don’t? Waaaah, waaaah. Call the Waaaaambulance.

The link should be active for at least the next few weeks.

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