Thursday, December 27, 2007


Based on what I’m seeing in the daily fishwrap, the most popular pastime during this week between Christmas and New Year’s Day seems to be the compilation of various and sundry lists.

The best of 2007.

The worst of 2007.

Movies, celebrity gaffes, who died...they’re all in a list somewhere. It’s all about the Retrospection, that annual indulgence that is carved into the DNA of every newspaper or magazine writer. Make a list, and elevate thereby the forgettable to the memorable. Make a list - it’s easier than writing real content.

What kind of lists would I be tempted to write? Most hilarious moment at a blogmeet? Too many candidates, alas. When this guy showed up with the Inflatable “Love Ewe” Vinyl Sheep? When this guy donned a dirndl? When this lady showed up at the Atlanta airport wearing a Zeejus shirt? How the hell do you choose?

Most over-the-top meal? No contest there: Our recent Jack Aubrey “Drool, Brittania” dinner would’ve made Lucullus himself blush.

Naw, I’m not gonna do it. No end-of-year retrospective for me. As fun as 2007 was, there’s too much to look at on the road ahead for me to be gazing at the rear-view mirror.

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