Friday, November 30, 2007


Be thou Hippopotamus or Alligator,
Come take a ride with the Modulator.
His Ark is spacious, and floateth free
Upon the billows of the Bloggy-Sea.

The Friday Ark has set sail once again under the experienced captaincy of Steve, the Modulator, this being its 167th voyage. Stop by and say hello to the Floating Menagerie.

Sunday evening, be on the lookout for Carnival of the Cats, the 193rd edition of which will appear at a location to be announced. Last week’s Carnival showed up at This, That, & The Other Thing a week early, so my guess is that Begin Each Day As If It Were on Purpose will be the host this week...but check back here for an update in case things change. Fulla surprises, those kitties!

Update: CotC #193 is up at This, That, & The Other Thing. Two weeks in a row!

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