Wednesday, October 31, 2007


The current issue of The South magazine features an article on Acme Costumes, a Savannah shop that sells (duh) costumes, props, and stage make-up. What better way to introduce Hallowe’en than with this vaguely disturbing image from Page 60...featuring someone who may be familiar to my Esteemed Readers?

Hallowe’en Mistress
­©2007 The South magazine.

Yes, indeedy - it’s the Mistress of Sarcasm herownself, looking like she’s ready to jab that evil-looking syringe into someone’s nethers. Yow!

And if that were not sinister enough, here’s Neighbor, her cat:

Scary Neighbor
Photo by The Other Elisson.

Scary Neighbor in Motion
Quit looking at me like that!

Admit it: doesn’t that give you the Shit-Willies? You know it does.


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