Sunday, August 19, 2007


The chocolate rain it raineth on the just,
And also on the unjust fella.
But chiefly on the just, because
The unjust steals the just’s chocolate-proof umbrella.

- Apologies to Lord Bowen

The latest Viral Video to take over the toobz at YouTube is Tay Zonday’s “Chocolate Rain,” which is not so much a song as it is a catchy hook, repeated (with different lyrics) ad infinitum.

Here it is, for your delectation:

Of course, anything this catchy will spawn legions of parodies. My favorite is this one, starring Chad Vader, Day Shift Manager:

[Tip o’ th’ Elisson fedora to Meryl Yourish for finding this...hilarious!]

Of course, some people can take parody just a little too far...

Cleveland Steam
(sung to the tune of “Chocolate Rain”)

Cleveland Steam!

Met a girl down at the local bar
Cleveland Steam!
Drank some beers, then made out in my car
Cleveland Steam!

Talked her into going to my place
Cleveland Steam!
Didn’t even spray me with her Mace
Cleveland Steam!

When we got there, said “Ya wanna drinky?”
Cleveland Steam!
Her response: “How ’bout we go get kinky?”
Cleveland Steam!

“Girl,” I said, “you cut right to the chase!”
Cleveland Steam!
“Howzabout you sit here on my face?”
Cleveland Steam!

“Lover, let me tell you what I think -”
Cleveland Steam!
“Nothin’ revs my engine like a little stink.”
Cleveland Steam!

“Let me hop right up there on your chest -”
Cleveland Steam!
“And I’ll just crimp one off, like I do best.”
Cleveland Steam!

I jumped up, and showed this girl the door
Cleveland Steam!
Now I don’t hang out in bars no more.
Cleveland Steam!

Kinky shit, I really cannot take
Cleveland Steam!
I don’t want no Boston-type Pancake

[OK, who wants to help me make the music video?]

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