Friday, August 10, 2007


Welcome once again to Blog d’Elisson’s Friday Random Ten, the weekly feature in which I post a selection of Choons drawn at random from the fabled iPod d’Elisson.

The kitchen renovations I mentioned in last week’s Friday Random Ten post have been delayed a week, owing to the delivery of a flawed granite slab to the installer. Flaws, indeed: twelve deep scratches, all half-heartedly covered up with Magic Marker in the vain hope that they would not be discovered until too late. Bah.

A replacement slab has been delived and pronounced good, so the Disruptive Work should begin in earnest on Monday. Which works out fine for us, since I have been commissioned to prepare two enormous slabs of poached salmon for a bridal shower we are co-hosting this weekend.

But you don’t give a crap about fish, now, do you? No. You want to know what Elisson’s Little White Choon-Box is spewing forth today. Here you go:
  1. From the Cradle to the Grave - Leo Kottke

    Feeling like a ship out of the ocean
    About to go aground on desert sands
    Feeling like an eagle losing motion
    Tired of flying, ain’t no where to land

    Every day’s all the same
    Same old ways, never change
    Going from the cradle to the grave

    I don’t think I’ve ever felt so helpless
    Always feeling like my hands are tied
    Failure at most everything I’ve dealt with
    Ruining most everything I’ve tried

    Every day’s all the same
    Same old ways, never change
    Going from the cradle to the grave

    And every day’s all the same
    Same old ways, never change
    Going from the cradle to the grave

    Running from my life at every moment
    Never having time to catch my breath
    Sometimes I wish this crazy race were over
    The thought of living scares me half to death

    And every day’s all the same
    Same old ways, never change
    Going from the cradle to the grave

  2. The Royal Scam - Steely Dan
  3. Thank You Girl - The Beatles
  4. Yellow Submarine - The Beatles
  5. Tumble In The Rough - Stone Temple Pilots
  6. Zed’s Dead, Baby/Bullwinkle Part II - The Centurians
  7. Blame It On Cain - Elvis Costello
  8. Religion/Drugs - Bill Hicks
  9. Ssekota - Maritu Legesse
  10. Rhineland (Heartland) - Beirut
It’s a broiling hot Friday here in Atlanta. What are you listening to?

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