Sunday, May 13, 2007


Today is Mother’s Day.

Of course, to those of us who have, or have had, a mother - or to those of us who are married to one - every day is Mother’s Day. But the combined Corporate Interests of America (the Card Consortium, the Flower Trust, and the Amalgamated Chocolate Producers’ Cartel) have convinced us that only a low-down cad (How low? Lower than Whale-Shit) would neglect to heap some lovin’ on the mothers in his life on the second Sunday in May.

Today, our congregation’s Men’s Club hosted its annual Mother’s Day Breakfast. This year’s well-attended affair offered prize raffles, a great breakfast (scrambled egg soufflés, cheese blintzes, home-fried ’taters, bagels, cream cheese, smoked salmon, herring in wine sauce, herring in cream sauce, pastries, orange juice, coffee), and High-Class Entertainment - a goodly chunk of it provided by Yours Truly in my Dr. Israel Patel radio persona, answering random medical questions from the audience. Stupid but effective.

Afterwards, we went over to our friends Gary and JoAnn’s place, where they had put on a big spread for various family and friends (among whom there were numerous mothers). Good: Yet more food.

SWMBO and I spent the afternoon shopping - a favorite Motherly Activity - followed by a nice, sweaty workout at the local gym. The perfect thing to build up an appetite for the traditional Sunday evening fare of Jews everywhere: Chinese food.

Now that we’re home, I cannot let the day go by without a great big Bloggy Shout-Out to the Mothers In My Life:

To Ceil, the Mom-in-Law d’Elisson, a veritabobble mother to me since I married She Who Must Be Obeyed all those many years ago. This is the lady that brought SWMBO into the world, and for that (and much else!) I am eternally thankful.

To Toni, AKA Missus Eli, who has continued to make my Daddy’s life so sweet these last 16+ years. She and Eli Hizzownself are now snowbirds, wintering in central Florida and summering (and springing and falling) on the south shore of Lawn Guyland - but wherever on the globe they are at any given moment, Toni will take care of you in High Style.

To She Who Must Be Obeyed, who earned the title “Mother” by giving me the most precious gifts I can imagine: Elder Daughter and the Mistress of Sarcasm. I loves me my SWMBO, yes I do, for more reasons than I care to, or have time to, enumerate on this dopey blog...and I love her more every single day.

And, finally, to Bernice, the Momma d’Elisson, who, alas, is no longer with us to celebrate Mother’s Day. She’s been gone 19 years now, but her salty sense of humor, her love of mysteries and science fiction, and (a tiny portion of) her prodigious golf ability live on in me. I only wish she could see her granddaughters today...

To these Moms and to all others: I salute you!

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