Friday, May 11, 2007


Sing ho! for the critters that meow and that bark,
Set sail with me on the Friday Ark!
From the humble mouse to the fearsome ’gator,
They’re all welcomed here by the Modulator.

The Friday Ark sails forth today on its 138th voyage, courtesy of Steve, the Modulator hizzownself.

Sunday evening, head over to A Location Yet To Be Divulged and visit Carnival of the Cats #164. That’s correct: as of this writing, there is no announced host for the Carnival...but I’ll let you know as soon as Lair announces one.

Update: CotC #164 is up...and (no surprise), it’s at the very Ursprung of Cat-Blogging, Laurence Simon’s own This Blog Is Full Of Crap.

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