Saturday, April 21, 2007


That’s the name of a Los Angeles-Based comedy troupe the existence of which was completely off my radar screen until Elder Daughter alerted me to it in a recent e-mail.

Watch these videos (you will need Quicktime 7), and the only tears will be tears of helpless, gut-wrenching laughter.

Politicians - In which Rob and Todd vie for a very important office. (The Aspen cut of this video is available here.)

A.F.H.V. (Aspen cut) - Jim, Clark, Dan, and Ed’s submission to America's Funniest Home Videos.

Cash (Aspen cut) - Outtakes from Johnny Cash’s last recording sessions with producer Rick Rubin.

How did Elder Daughter know about this bunch? Simple: One of the performers (Todd) is an old high school buddy.

Keep an eye out for these kids. I predict that they will be making a name for themselves.

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