Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Those of my Esteemed Readers who will be attending the Blowneyed Blast in Kerrville, Texas - this year’s Big Bloggity Event (outside the hallowed state of Georgia, anyway) - need to prepare themselves mentally for the Texas Experience.

I’m thinking specifically of that hardy handful of Northeasterners who will be making the trip.

Having lived in Texas for fourteen out of the past 33 years, I can safely say that they ain’t noplace else like it. It’s the natal home of She Who Must Be Obeyed, a state that has its own Pledge of Allegiance. To the Texas flag. Really!

In part, Texas owes its unique personality, and its pride therein, to the fact that it was an independent country before joining the United States. That independent spirit still thrives; it beats in the heart of every true Texan.

My very first commenter - and the first blogger I ever met face-to-face - is the self-styled Cowtown Pattie, a lovely lady who hails from Foat Wuth. SWMBO’s old stomping grounds, don’tcha know. And Pattie posted several photographs on her site recently, which I have taken the liberty of snarfing up...and tinkering around with a leetle bit, using Old Mr. PhotoShop.

I present my versions here below - my homage to both the State of Texas and to a wonderful lady blogger (and photographer). May they help to kick up your Kerrville Eagerness Index a notch or two!

Old Timey Texas
Kenny Fred’s place in Bluff Dale, Texas.

Bluebonnets - a prominent feature this time of year.

[Click on the images to embiggen.]

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