Friday, February 23, 2007


If you like animals, then sooner or later
You’re gonna have to visit the Modulator.
What he modulates is a mystery, they say,
But that Ark of his sails every Friday.

Yes, it’s time once again for the Friday Ark, the 127th incarnation of which is afloat at its usual spot at the Modulator.

I notice that my friend KeesKennis has become a serious Arkivist, with three contributions this week alone. This makes perfect sense, as Keesie lives in Africa, where animals of every description are thick on the ground. It also makes sense because Keesie posts a lot of animal photos, interspersed with his toothsome Boer-floavored English. Go pay him a visit, willya?

Of course, no weekend would be complete without the Carnival of the Cats, the Bloggy-Sphere’s most beloved Linkfest. This Sunday evening, you can catch CotC #153 at Scribblings.

Update: Carnival of the Cats #153 is up.

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