Friday, January 05, 2007


This was what popped out of my Fortune Cookie after a Chinese dinner with our Thursday night gang.

Don’t you believe it. I’m calling “Bullshit!” on that Fortune Cookie...because Friday is my least creative day of the week, as least as far as this site is concerned.

My Friday “content,” such as it is, generally consists of a Fuzzy Friday linkpost and my ridiculous Friday Random Ten. Both are decidedly unoriginal, although I try to keep the Random Ten interesting by adding commentary and posting lyrics of selected tunes.

Ahh, well. Might as well get on with the Uncreative Content...

This week’s Friday Ark is up today (surprise!) at the Modulator (more surprise!) It’s Edition Number 120, chock full of Kitties, Puppies, and...Horsies?

Be sure, as well, to visit the upcoming 146th Edition of Carnival of the Cats, which is set to be posted Sunday evening at Leslie’s Omnibus. Leslie is not only a premier Catblogger; she is also a friend and a Fine Lady - so be sure to stop by and tell her Elisson sent ya!

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