Thursday, December 07, 2006


Congratulations are in order for the finalists in the 2006 Weblog Awards, the “World’s Largest Blog Competition.”

What, you didn’t know about the 2006 Weblog Awards? Neither did I, but it seems that without any help from me, several of my Regular Reads have landed on the Finalist List. Here they is:

Best Middle East or Africa Blog

Best Diarist
Just *dot* Christina

Best Photo Blog
Daily Dose of Imagery

Best of the Top 250 Blogs

Best of the Top 1751-2500 Blogs
Parkway Rest Stop

Best of the Top 2501-3500 Blogs
The Impolitic

How ’bout dat? Got a couple of Blown-Eyeds in there...and Treppenwitz, where Yours Truly has written a few guest posts. Hoo-Hah!

I may not care overmuch about Bloggy Awards, but if I dismiss ’em as just so much Internet Circle-Jerking, one could fairly accuse me of griping about Sour Grapes. So instead, I will Shut The Fuck Up and congratulate the folks who managed to score Finalist nods. After all, it’s a considerable achievement, given the fact that there were over 4,500 nominations, out of which were chosen 450 finalists - ten to a category. Just think about the immensity of the Bloggy-Sphere, and you know that you’ve gotta have some chops to get on that Finalist list!

Voting begins sometime later today. As the late Mayor Richard Daley used to say, vote early and vote often...unless the software restricts you to a single vote, in which case do As You Will. But if nothing else, stop by these fine sites and congratulate the authors on a Job Well Done!

Update 12/12:
I added The Impolitic, running in the Best of the Top 2501-3500 Blogs category, to the list. The Impolitic is one of the brainchildren of Libby Spencer, who also writes at Last One Speaks and is a frequent commenter here. How the hell did I overlook that one?

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