Friday, December 29, 2006


Matata in Puddy Prison
Matata, self-imprisoned in a laundry basket.

No, Miss Matata is not really in the Brig, despite her numerous Crimes and Peccadilloes against the Bifurcated Gods. For we are, as Bifurcated Gods go, slow to anger, abundant in mercy, showing compassion unto the thousandth generation, even of those Kitties that unroll the Bunwad and barf hairballs out upon the Carpet.

But she and her sister Hakuna are aboard the Friday Ark, the 119th sailing of which may be seen over at the Modulator.

Don’t forget to bid farewell to 2006 by visiting the New Year’s Eve edition of Carnival of the Cats, to be hosted at Watermark. Guzzle Champagne and watch the ball drop among the Bloggy-Sphere’s finest assortment of fuzzy friends!

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