Saturday, December 02, 2006


One of the side benefits of traveling and visiting members of the Extended Family is the chance to make the acquaintance of New Kitties.

This weekend we visited the Momma d’SWMBO’s cousin Margie and her brood: husband Gerry, twins Ryan and Rachel, and their younger brother Jacob. Not only do they live in a house that boasts the Coolest Backyard Treehouse in North America™, they have a cat.

Furry in the Old Man Posture

Say hello to Furry, who packs even more avoirdupois than Matata! Above, she sits in the classic Old Man pose...


...and here, she reclines in the beloved Sausage Position.

I am happy to report that Furry’s kittycat Belly Protection reflexes are intact (much more so than, say Matata’s), and that she is a delight to skritch.

I am also happy to report that Carnival of the Cats #141 is up at Catymology. Drop by and say hello!

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