Friday, November 24, 2006


Neighbor, the Mistress’s cat, contemplates Black Friday. She thinks it’s named after her.

After the culinary excess of Thanksgiving, today is the day our overburdened digestive systems catch up with the burden we have laid upon them.

Owing to the Mistress of Sarcasm’s work schedule, we did not sit down to our Thanksgiving banquet until after 8:00 last evening...which meant that the dishes and debris were finally cleared away sometime well after midnight. My kishkes are still rumbling. But at least it’s a happy rumble.

As the sun breaks over what the merchants call Black Friday, it’s as good a time as any to remind my Esteemed Readers that the Edition 114 of the Friday Ark has already put to sea today over at the Modulator. And Yours Truly is topping the bill for the second week in a row! Woo-Hoo!

Of course, Sunday evening is time for Carnival of the Cats. Scribblings will be playing host to the the 140th Carnival; be sure to stop by and say hello to all the kitties.

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