Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Laurence and the Big Grumpus z''l
Laurence Simon and the late Edloe, Large Grumpus.

...to the inimitable Laurence Simon, who carves yet another Annual Notch in the old Belt o’ Life today.

Laurence, as many of my Esteemed Readers are aware, is the proprietor and operator of This Blog Is Full Of Crap, along with its numerous satellite sites - the 100 Word Stories Podcast, The Dead Pool, and Catcall (in conjunction with the Houston Chronicle).

Not enough writing for you? He posts regularly at IMAO and at Yourish.com and is the majordomo of Carnival of the Cats, the original Weekly Kitty-Blogging Linkfest.

He has more than twice as many catcams in his apartment as he has cats. He’s also a Wizard of the Charcoal Grill, a fact to which I can personally attest.

He also is married to Gina, a charming lady who is far too good for him.

Go forth and wish Lair a Happy Birthday, and tell ’im Elisson sent ya.

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