Friday, October 20, 2006


This week’s Fuzzy Friday post is dedicated to Gracie, one of Meryl Yourish’s kitties. Gracie has been ailing these past few days, and she underwent exploratory surgery this morning. The operation revealed no obvious physical problems, a real “good news - bad news” scenario...but hopefully, with some anti-anxiety medication, Gracie’s touchy stomach can settle down. Please hop on over and wish Gracie a speedy recovery.

The 109th Friday Ark is sailing, thanks to the good offices of Steve, the one and only Modulator. I see my fellow Jawja Blown-Eyed Blodger Dax Montana has signed on for this week’s voyage with his centipede photos...some folks are just not all about the warm and fuzzy, innit?

Speaking of warm and fuzzy, be sure to visit Carnival of the Cats this Sunday, when the most beloved Carnival in the Bloggy-Sphere is hosted at Catcall, Laurence Simon’s Houston Chronicle reader blog. Lair is the King-Daddy Catblogger, so you know this Carnival is gonna be a good one.

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