Friday, September 29, 2006


Holy Mackerel! Is it Friday already?

Yes, it is...and it’s Holiday Season. Jewish Holiday Season, that is.

This time of year is jam-packed with Jewish holidays. Last Friday evening, the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, sounded the opening gun for the current crop of Sacred Occasions. Monday, September 25 was the Fast of Gedaliah, and this Sunday evening, Jews everywhere will observe Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. Twenty-five hours of no food, no drink, no leather shoes, no bathing (I’ll take a shower, but I won’t enjoy it), no shaving, and no Ficky-Fick.

But that’s not all. The seven-day holiday of Sukkot kicks off next Friday evening, followed by Shemini Atzeret on October 14 and Simchat Torah on October 15. Whew!

But in the meantime, we have our Little White Choon-Box, busily spewing out its Random Assortment o’ Moozik. What do we have for the folks today, Johnny?
  1. Bumblebee - Leo Kottke
  2. So Danço Samba - Stan Getz & João Gilberto
  3. Spirit In The Night - Bruce Springsteen

    Crazy Janey and her mission man
    Were back in the alley tradin’ hands
    ’Long came Wild Billy with his friend G-man
    All duded up for Saturday night
    Well, Billy slammed on his coaster brakes and said
    Anybody wanna go on up to Greasy Lake
    It’s about a mile down on the dark side of Route 88
    I got a bottle of rose so let’s try it
    We’ll pick up Hazy Davy and Killer Joe
    And I’ll take you all out to where the gypsy angels go
    They’re built like light
    And they dance like spirits in the night (all night)
    In the night (all night)
    Oh, you don’t know what they can do to you
    Spirits in the night (all night)
    In the night (all night)
    Stand right up now and let ’em shoot through you

    Well now Wild Billy was a crazy cat
    And he shook some dust out of his coonskin cap
    He said, “Trust some of this, it’ll show you where you’re at,
    Or at least it’ll help you really feel it.”
    By the time we made it up to Greasy Lake
    I had my head out the window
    And Janey’s fingers were in the cake
    I think I really dug her ’cause I was too loose to fake
    I said, “I’m hurt.” She said, “Honey, let me heal it.”
    And we danced all night to a soul fairy band
    And she kissed me just right like only a lonely angel can
    She felt so nice, just as soft as a
    Spirit in the night (all night)
    In the night (all night).
    Janey don’t know what she do to you
    Spirit in the night (all night)
    In the night (all night)
    Stand right up and let her shoot through me

    Now the night was bright and the stars threw light
    On Billy and Davy dancin’ in the moonlight
    They were down near the water in a stone mud fight
    Killer Joe gone passed out on the lawn
    Well now Hazy Davy got really hurt,
    He ran into the lake in just his socks and a shirt
    Me and Crazy Janey was makin’ love in the dirt
    Singin’ our birthday songs
    Janey said it was time to go
    So we closed our eyes and said goodbye to Gypsy Angel Row,
    Felt so right
    Together we moved like
    Spirits in the night, all night
    Baby don’t know what it do to you
    Spirits in the night (all the night)
    In the night (all night)

  4. One And One - Miles Davis
  5. Magicians / Politics - Bobby Slayton
  6. Zig Zag Wanderer - Captain Beefheart
  7. I’ll Be Your Mirror - The Velvet Underground
  8. Spanish Key - Miles Davis
  9. The King of the Golden Hall - Howard Shore, The Two Towers
  10. Surf Wax America - Weezer
It’s Friday. What are you listening to?

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