Sunday, June 18, 2006


This unfortunate post title will probably throw off a whole lotta search engine hits that I probably don’t want - but there you are.

Having just returned from a two-week trip to the Maritime province of New Brunswick, it occurred to me that this past thirteen days was the longest continuous stretch of time I have ever spent in a single country outside of the good ol’ U.S.A.

Given that I had plenty of work to do, and a motley assortment of colleagues and Bloggity Buddies with whom to spend the time, homesickness was not a huge issue. Except for the fact that I miss She Who Must Be Obeyed when I’m away, I travel reasonably well.

Business travel aside, SWMBO and I are known to take miscellaneous Leisure Jaunts. The act of travel qua travel does not appeal to her - she hates flying or being a passenger in an automobile - but as long as the accommodations are half-decent, she does not complain.

The missing piece of the equation, of course, is the cats. It’s generally impractical to travel with them, and there are times I miss them sorely when I am away.

But now, thanks to SWMBO, Morris William, and Matata, we have a solution for the Pet Lover who is also a Road Warrior.

Matata has a tendency to shed during the warm months. Aw, let’s be honest - she sheds pretty much all the fucking time. In the space of a single week, she can drop her body weight in cat-hair. Enough, in fact, to make a whole ’nother cat.


While I was away, and Morris William was keeping sister SWMBO company, they took the hair that they had brushed from Matata and gathered it up into a plastic bag - presumably to keep it gathered in one place prior to disposal. And that’s when that little Light Bulb o’ Insight flashed on above Morris William’s head.

Herewith, the invention that Lonely Traveling Pet Lovers have been waiting for:



Yes, simply shove this eminently portable Kitty-Like-Object into your suitcase, garment bag, purse, or briefcase, and you will have a Carryable Cat Companion at your beck and call!

Interested in investing? Feel free to contact me by private e-mail…or leave a comment.

With a Porta-Pussy Kitty-To-Go in your pocket, you need never lack Animal Companionship on the road again!

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