Thursday, June 22, 2006


She Who Must Be Obeyed is home, resting as comfortably as she can after her Big-Time Surgical Experience Tuesday.

“Comfortably” is, of course, a relative term, but the Missus is a tough lady. After all, she did pooch out a couple of Rug Rats back in the day...and in one case, without any Palliative Medicaments. Whereas I might complain if there’s too much corn in my dung:

“Oooh, that piece was extra knobbly!

No, SWMBO is tough, and she has been handling this whole experience like a champ.

She is able to take nourishment by mouth - liquids, smooth semisolids, that kind of thing - but it will be a good while before a Hearty Beefsteak is on the menu. Unless I run it through the blender first.

She is able to talk, but only for limited periods of time. [I could make a snarky comment about how this is a good thing, but I will not.]

But the Missus did have one favor to ask of me, and that is to put up a post thanking all of my Esteemed Readers who left encouraging comments here, and whose good wishes have meant so much to both of us. Thus: this post.

Oh, yeah - she had a second favor, but this one was couched more in terms of an Absolute Requirement. No photographs. And I shall comply, for I love and respect the Missus. Also, I love and respect my Ball-Sack and wish not to expose it to Unnecessary Risk.

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