Monday, June 19, 2006


She Who Must Be Obeyed was dismayed to see that a verdant, hilly corner near us had been razed and flattened in the name of progress.

Admittedly, it was amazing that this corner had been untouched for so long, a huge undeveloped parcel of land at the intersection of two major thoroughfares. The sole occupant was a diminutive farm stand, a purveyor of assorted seasonal vegetables and fruits who would put out eye-popping displays of Hallowe’en and Christmas kitsch when the appropriate time rolled around.

Anybody who saw it knew that the land was being underutilized. It was only a matter of time before a price was negotiated and dollars changed hands. And then, of course, came the bulldozers.

I am by no means a Tree-Hugger, but even I was discomfited by the new appearance of the Corner Lot. Perhaps it’s the result of having spent almost two weeks in a relatively green, undespoiled corner of the world, but when I see the red clay desert that now occupies the place where tall pines stood only weeks ago, I shed a silent tear. Somehow, the thought that there will be a Trader Joe’s there does not console me.

Well, maybe it consoleth me a little. Trader Joe’s...the place that everyone’s talking about? Great variety and low prices?

Another Shopping Center

Aww, fuck the trees. Bring on the Hot Asphalt!

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