Monday, May 22, 2006


The Preakness of 2047 was a smashing success yet again. The new rules had changed everything.

Records were set every year. Wagers went through the roof, and race times went through the floor.

The thoroughbreds ran as though their lives depended on it. Which they had, ever since the Great Protein Shortage of 2029. Beginning that year, losers were eaten.

But things really started to get interesting in 2039. That was when they changed the rules again.

If your horse lost, you lost too. Winner’s Circle or the Loser’s Stewpot. And no jockey wanted to end up on someone’s plate.

[Cross-posted at The Dax Files. In view of the actual events at this year’s Preakness, perhaps this is a semi-clairvoyant little post, eh?]

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