Sunday, May 14, 2006


It’s Mother’s Day.

I’m writing this at a workstation conveniently provided by those good folks at the Courtyard by Marriott in Alexandria, Virginia. It’s dark-thirty o’clock, and I am missing the Mommas In My Life.

Ceil, the Mom-in-Law d’Elisson, is a thousand miles away in Foat Wuth, Texas. She’s the lady that brought The Missus, AKA She Who Must Be Obeyed, into the world. For that signal act alone I should be eternally grateful, but she has also been a Second Momma unto me.

Toni, the Wife d’Eli (and therefore the Stepmom d’Elisson), is some 300 miles away on the south shore of Lawn Guyland, up in New York State. She is a gourmet cook and a world traveler; more importantly, she has been my Daddy’s loving helpmeet for these last fifteen years. With four children (and six grandchildren) of her own, she has most certainly earned her Mother’s Stripes.

Bernice, the Momma d’Elisson, no longer walks this planet with us. Since she’s been a resident of Olam ha-Ba - the World to Come - for the past eighteen years, I suppose that qualifies her as “Most Distant Mom,” yet she is never far from my thoughts. Every time I read a science fiction novel, hit a golf ball, or enjoy a perfect Rob Roy, it’s as if she is right there with me.

She Who Must Be Obeyed.

She Who Must Be Obeyed, the Momma of my two wonderful girls, is some 600 miles away in Atlanta. She’s been a mother for twenty-seven years now, and she has done it with love, intelligence, and grace. I love her with all of my heart and soul...and my king-size Hotel Room Bed is empty and cold without her.

To these Moms and to all others, a heartfelt Mother’s Day shout-out from a lonely (for now) guy who misses the Mommas In His Life most profoundly...and who looks forward to being reunited with his very own SWMBO tomorrow evening.

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