Friday, April 21, 2006


This week’s Friday Ark - Number 83, for those who keep track of such things - is boarding over at The Modulator.

The 109th Carnival of the Cats will be hosted this Sunday evening by My Animal Family. Perhaps they will be a little less tight-assed strict than the prior host, Begin Each Day, who blew my submission off because I sent it in twenty minutes after the deadline. Oh, well. If them’s the rules, them’s the rules...

Update: The 109th Carnival of the Cats is up, despite the untimely loss of the host’s pet rabbit Rambo Rabbeet. Rambo (may his memory be for a blessing) has, thanks to his family’s courage and willingness to tackle the Carnival hosting responsibilities despite their grief, been made an Honorary Catmodel on the Carnival of the Cats homepage.

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