Wednesday, February 15, 2006


I really don’t expect the Missus to buy me presents on Valentine’s Day...but nevertheless, she does.

First, I am a bit of a cheapskate when it comes to observing holidays that have been goosed by the American Marketing Machine. Which is most holidays these days...except maybe Shavuos.

Second, I am a master procrastinator. Never put off today what you can also put off tomorrow, ad infinitum.

But I try not to be a total bastard. We exchange cards, and I send flowers. It’s a nice way to tell someone you love that you’re thinking of her. And we went out for a nice dinner, just the two of us, at a local place that had a fine jazz duo.

But earlier that day, She Who Must Be Obeyed had surprised me. I came back from breakfast to find that she had parked a shiny gift package on my office chair, where I’d be sure to see it.

I really didn’t expect a gift, but when I opened the package, what should I find but a beautiful new Skagen dress watch?

The perfect gift is something you need or want but would never think of buying for yourself, and this fit perfectly. I used to have a really nice watch that somehow vanished about two or three years ago. I missed it sorely, but I was never in a hurry to replace it. Perhaps I figured, deep in the back of my mind, that I would find it someday. Right.

So now I have a new watch...and you know what the best thing about it is? (Aside from the fact that my loving SWMBO gave it to me.)

It’s made in Denmark.

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