Monday, January 16, 2006


She Who Must Be Obeyed and I have just returned from a long weekend in Savannah, where we and our friends JoAnn and Gary had a fine time feeding our faces and visiting with the Mistress of Sarcasm.

In our absence, of course, Bloggity-World rolls on apace. Just in case you may have missed ’em, please note that Carnival of the Recipes #74 has been posted at The Common Room.

And Carnival of the Cats #94 is up at Niobium. Hmmm. It’s not every person that’ll name a blog after a Metallic Element, but who’s to argue? Especially in the face of all that Kitty Goodness.

Speaking of Kitty Goodness, Hakuna was so happy to see us, she even let SWMBO pick her up and give her some Up Close and Personal Skritchies. Even more surprising: she didn’t run away after SWMBO let go of her. Hell, it’s been only ten years. Maybe she’ll eventually figure out that we don’t plan to choke her.

SWMBO and Hakuna

SWMBO and Hakuna Too

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