Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Yes, Happy Days. Four glorious days in Sweat City.

Following a drive to the Atlanta airport in a blinding hailstorm, followed by a hellacious, bumpy flight to the Land of Schvitz Sunday evening, I spent Monday in the Bowels of the Great Corporate Salt Mine. Now, I am enjoying three days at the SaltmineCo Conference Center, here in the beauteous Woodlands.

Three days of sitting in a conference room, listening to lectures, running supply chain simulations, and trying to keep that thin stream of spittle from getting on my pants when I doze off. Three days of pleasure while my brain turns to cottage cheese.

Envy me not, Esteemed Readers.

Alas, it is one of the benefits of Continued Employment, that my bountiful Employer wishes to enhance my General Usefulness. Thus: training. Like teaching dead dogs new tricks.

I participate. I am attentive. Like a Bottlenosed Dolphin, I leap at the right time, so as to grab the Fishy Treats that are proffered. And I piddle only on the Approved Newspapers.

I can feel my brain getting bigger by the hour.

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