Friday, November 11, 2005


Welcome to the fourth installment of Carnival of the Cockroaches!

Submissions have been a wee bit light, of late. If this trend continues, it may push this Carnival to a once-per-month publication frequency. Of course, if this trend continues, it’s a sure indication that my Esteemed Readers are normal human beings and not a bunch of Deranged Idiots.

Let’s get right to it:

Blueberry, who writes Texas Oasis, invites us to consider the Palmetto Bug in all of its loathsome glory, and ponders, as well, the use of cats as Deputy Exterminators. Roaches and cats! In one post! I am so there, dude!

Can roaches be a source of Edible Protein? Carnival stalwart GuyK of Charming, Just Charming looks at this happy possibility, but notes concerns about allergies. Bub, it ain’t allergies you gotta be worrying about - it’s projectile vomiting when people realize what those Popcorn Crisps are made of...

Coochy CootieMy friend Coochy Cootie tells me that it’s time to wrap things up at this short - but always tasteful - Carnival. Until next week...remember to turn on the light before you walk into the kitchen at night!

Linked to the TTLB Übercarnival.

[Coochy Cootie ©1970 by Robert Williams. Used without permission...but with extreme respect and admiration!]

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