Wednesday, November 16, 2005


It’s been a while since I’ve done any Wednesday Night Supperblogging, but today’s Evening Meal looked good enough to eat.

Supper Plate!

Here we have:
  • Baked Atlantic Salmon with Potlatch Seasoning
  • Roasted Cauliflower with Thyme, Garlic, and Fleur de Sel
  • Baby Romaine Salad with Toasted Pine-Nuts, Sherry Vinegar and Walnut Oil Dressing
Not pictured: Whole-Wheat Rotini with Butter and Locatelli Romano.

Had the weather been warmer, I could have planked the fish and thrown it on the grill, but I opted for the Conventional Hot-Box instead.

I suppose we could have gone Whole-Hog and cracked open a nice Chardonnay, but screw it: I washed down the whole morass with a glass of iced tea, with a Coke Zero chaser. The Missus, for her part, stuck with the Coke Zero.

All of this, by the way, was thrown together in roughly 50 minutes. I arrived home, ingredients in hand, while She Who Must Be Obeyed was out at her Water Aerobics class; everything was (mostly) ready by the time she got home. The key, of course, is to use good ingredients and prepare them without undue complication.

And no, I don’t do windows.

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