Friday, October 14, 2005


Part of doing things Bloggy-Style™ is finding a need that nobody knew existed and filling it with a Time-Wasting Exercise that nobody wants.

And thus it is that I announce to my Esteemed Readers the first Carnival of the Cockroaches, to be held Friday, October 21 - a week from today. Get your submissions in by Thursday, October 20, 9:00 pm EDT (that’s Eastern Daylight Time, folks - same as New York time) to be assured of a slot in what may very well be the most revolting Carnival since Acidman ran the Carnival of the Crappers.

Send me links to your Cockroach-Related Posts. Stories, photos, whatever. Even RFOAC’s (Reasonable Facsimiles of a Cockroach) are acceptable. I will compile them and the result will be a Carnival that will have everybody scurrying for the baseboards as soon as the light is turned on.

I'll be accepting submissions by e-mail at elisson1 (at) aol (dot) com (be sure to include “Carnival of the Cockroaches” in the subject line)...or leave a comment with your permalink. And maybe I can get Ferdy to add it to the Carnival Submission Form to make y’all’s lives even easier.

If you give me your trackback URL, I’ll make a good faith attempt to send you a ping. As long as Haloscan doesn’t act too cranky, that is.

[Image shamelessly ripped off from GuyK at Charming, Just Charming. Lovely!]

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