Sunday, October 02, 2005


Kimberly, who understands that life without Music and Cats would be Boring and Pointless, hosts the eightieth edition of the Carnival of the Cats.

The Carnival is a great way to get to know a large cross-section of the world’s catbloggers. Sometimes you find a few surprises.

For example: Skør i Skralden, Mathilde’s site. It’s 100% Danish, which means I don’t understand a Freakin’ Word...but last week, Mathilde threw in a few random links. I couldn’t resist checking this one out: Cats in Sinks. Yep, that’s exactly what you get - hundreds of different cats in sinks of every description.

I will be extremely curious to see if there is a site that shows pics of Cats in Toilet Bowls. For that, of course, is the Next Step.

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