Wednesday, August 10, 2005


Ah, those fine folks at PETA – you know, the ones who infamously compared the slaughter of chickens for human consumption to the death camps of the Holocaust – are at it again. And this time, it looks like they’ve really stepped on their dicks. Now the NAACP is on their case:

From the New Haven Register (tip o’ th’ Elisson fedora to Graumagus of Frizzen Sparks):
NEW HAVEN - A two-hour animal rights demonstration on the Green Monday sparked outrage instead of sympathy from the public.

“This is the most racist thing I’ve ever seen on the Green. How dare you,” roared Philip Goldson, 43, of New Haven at the protest organizers at Church and Chapel streets.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, a national animal rights group, posted giant photographs of people, mostly black Americans, being tortured, sold and killed, next to photographs of animals, including cattle and sheep, being tortured, sold and killed.
So, as if equating Jews with chickens isn’t enough, now PETA has decided that cows are equivalent to African-American humans.

”We realize these images are hurtful. It’s hard for me to imagine the hurt the animals go through. We should be treating animals according to their own best interests, not to the best interests of people,” said Dawn Carr, PETA’s director of special projects. [Italics mine]

PETA wants people to stop eating animals, stop using them for clothing, stop forcing animals to entertain people (as in a circus) and stop animal experimentation.

Carr said she doesn’t want animals sold or treated as property either.
Well, guess what. We’re at the top of the food chain, Dawn, and we eat animals. They’re tasty and full of protein. Part of this nutritious dinner, and source of many useful products.

Nutritious Dinner

Does that mean I am a cruel, insensitive bastard? Maybe...but one of the things I like about Jewish ritual slaughtering methods (shekhitah) is that they are designed to minimize the suffering of animals that we do eat. Yes: kosher is kinder!

If you don’t want to eat animals or wear products that are made from their bodies, fine. It’s a free country. But I assert my right as a Denizen of the Top of the Food Chain to do so, and your odious comparison of the way we use animals as food to atrocities committed against fellow human beings is...well, odious.

Hey – maybe if you piss off enough people, your “Animals=Humans” message will be ignored in the stampede of people running to kick your collective ass.

Next time International Eat an Animal for PETA Day rolls around, I may just go for the Brazilian steakhouse option. You know, the House of Excessive Meaty Goodness. ’Cause one thing they gots is lots of Meat.

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