Tuesday, August 16, 2005


The story is told of a judge who, as he worked through the day’s caseload, noticed an elderly couple sitting in the back of the courtroom.

Did I say elderly? The two of them looked to be Older than Dirt, bent with age...and that was sitting down.

Perhaps fearing that the two oldsters would dry up and blow away if they were kept waiting too long, the judge asked them, “Can I help you? What is your business before the court today?”

The old man rose haltingly to his feet and shuffled up to the bench. In an astonishingly loud voice, he announced: “We want a divorce!”

The judge was taken aback.

“Sir, how long have you and your wife been married?” he asked the man.

“Hmmm, let’s see...Next April, it’ll be seventy-six years.”

“Seventy-six years!” expostulated the judge. “You’re telling me that you and your wife have been married almost seventy-six years, and you want a divorce now? Why now, after all this time together?“

The old man considered for a moment before answering.

“We wanted to wait until all the children were dead.”

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